Your Perfect Eyebrows & Waxing Studio

Services & Pricing


What We Offer for You

If you have patchy eyebrows or simply wish you had more brows, eyebrow threading & embroidery is your answer.
Eyebrow ---- $10
Upper Lip ---- $06
Lower Lip ---- $04
Half Chin ---- $07
Full Chin ---- $10
Side burn ---- $08
Neck ---- $10
Forehead ---- $07
Full Face ---- $40
Full face with neck ---- $45
Eyebrow ---- $12
Upper Lip ---- $06
Lower Lip ---- $04
Half Chin ---- $07
Full Chin ---- $10
Side burn ---- $08
Neck ---- $10
Forehead ---- $07
Full Face ---- $40
Full face with neck ---- $45
Nose Wax ---- $10
Ear Wax ---- $20
Brazilian Wax ---- $55
Bikini Wax ---- $40
Full Arms Wax ---- $40
Half Arms Wax ---- $35
Under Arms Wax ---- $18
Full Legs Wax ---- $65
Half Legs Lower Wax ---- $35
Half Legs Upper Wax ---- $40
Stomach Wax ---- $30
Nape Area Wax ---- $10
Back ---- $40
Chest Wax (Men) ---- $50
Full Back ( Men) ---- $55
Brazilian Wax ---- $55
Brazilian Hard Wax ---- $70
Bikini Wax ---- $40
Full Arms Wax ---- $35
Half Arms Wax ---- $30
Under Arms Wax ---- $18
Full Legs Wax ---- $55
Half Legs Lower Wax ---- $30
Half Legs Upper Wax ---- $35
Stomach Wax ---- $25
Nape Area Wax ---- $10
Back ---- $35
Chest Wax (Men) ---- $45
Full Back ( Men) ---- $50
Package # 1 (sugaring) ---- $155
*Brazilian, Full Leg & Under arm
Package # 1 (Waxing) ---- $120
*Brazilian, Full Leg & Under arm
Package # 2 (sugaring) ---- $170
*Package #1 + Full arms
Package # 2 (Waxing) ---- $155
*Package #1 + Full arms
Package # 3 (sugaring) ---- $240
*Package #2 + Stomac & Back
Package # 3 (Waxing) ---- $225
*Package #2 + Stomac & Back
Herbal Papaya Facial - 50Min - $60
*Ayurvedic (natural) ingredients that help to reduce pigmentation, pimples, dark spots, marks & blemishes
Herbal Fruit Facial - 50Min - $60
*Ayurvedic (natural) ingredients that help to improve blood circulation and skin texture. Makes the skin soft and glowing
Gold Facial - 50Min - $65
*It helps to give nourishment to skin. Also, it helps to revitalize the skin by giving instant gold glow effect using 24 carat gold particles to extract toxins.
Charcoal Facial - 50Min - $65
*It helps to remove tanning from skin, reduces pigmentation, dark spots & marks by dirt removal & also give naturally clear skin.
Skin Whitening Facial - 50Min - $65
*Skin Whitening facial kit helps to give Freshness & Purity to skin. it helps to give natural fairness to your skin. it helps to keep your skin young.
Anti Aging Diamond - 50Min - $70
*It contains a special diamond dust which helps to reverse the look of ageing through cell regeneration & give you a special glow, timprove skin complexion.
Acne Oxygen Facial - 50Min - $70
*It helps to eliminates acne andmicrobial infection using ancient neem.
Microdermabrasion - 50Min - $80
*It helps to eliminates acne, scaring, pigmentation, age spots, dead skin, sun spots & wrinkles.
Hydra Facial Treatment - 50Min - $120
* Most powerful, non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments. It combine cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection that removes dead skin cells and impurities, while simultaneously delivering moisturizing serums into the skin.
Express Facial - 25Min - $39
*Purifies and removes dirt buildup through a gentle cleanse.
Face Polish ---- $10
Back Massage ---- $10
Feet & Arms Massage ---- $10
Brow Tinting ---- $15
Eye Lash Tint ---- $25
Eye Lash Strip ---- $15
Hybrid Volume Eye lash Extension ---- $130
Individual Lash ---- $25
Individual lash refill ---- $10+
Eye lash Lift ---- $60
Mink Classic eyelash extension ---- $110
Extension refill ---- $40+
Vajacial (Vaginal Facial) - 25Min - $40
*It’s treat your intimate skin area. The Vajacial treats in-grown hairs, remove dead skin cells, smooths bumps around the bikini line, prevents acne and helps maintain healthy, hydrated skin.
Dermaplaning - 30Min - $40
*Removes dead skin and hair off of the face in order to promote healthier, brighter & smoother skin. additional $10 for neck.
Body Polish - 60Min - $110
*Removes dead skin from the body to enhance natural skin glow through exfoliant.
Hot oil scalp therapy - 30Min - $40
*Hot oil treatments work by sealing the hair cuticle. This can help to strengthen and protect your hair.
Yoni Steam - 30Min - $35
*promote overall vaginal health. It is a gentle and effective care practice that utilizes heat & organic herbs/salts to assists the body’s natural cleansing capabilities.
Paraffin - $10
*(Feet or Hands) Soothes & softens achy hands &feet with warm wax.